It's still so weird. At first we had decided that we would wait until after our first doctors appointment to tell people, but then the doctors appt. isn't til April and I will be 10 weeks by then. I told Josh I wanted to tell everyone and it slowly started leaking out, cuz I can't keep my mouth shut. Josh really didn't want me saying anything until went to the doctor, but I just can't hold it in anymore. I'm just too excited.
The one person that I didn't tell was my friend "G" at my work, who I think is awesome. I walked by her and she looks at me and says, "are you pregnant?" I was stunned. I said how did you know? She says, I felt it when you walked by. I just stood there with my mouth opened. I said how on earth did you feel it, she said, I felt the ora (or-rah) I don't know how to spell it. ;-) G is so great, since she is Native American she is very in tune with things like that. So it doesn't make my job dull at all.
I was reading on a baby site and found out this week my baby is the size of a poppy seed. Wow.

Funny how that is the size of the baby when I really feel like this is what is in my stomach:

Oh this is soooo gonna be a long 9 months. Wish me luck for goodness sake, cuz I am gonna need it. To the mothers out there who have done this before, God bless you!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm so excited for you! You will love being a mom and I know you will be an excellent mother. I can't wait to hear if your baby will need blue or pink hair dye. :)
umm wow.....that is soooo awesome....your are going to be such a good mom.....I am soo happy for you!!
Holy crap! Congratulations! That's super exciting. So a November/December baby? Have you gotten any pregnancy books yet? I read "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and "Your Pregnancy Week by Week." And I was addicted to Is that the website you were on? It's hard to believe when you have a positive pregnancy test. I took 5 and a blood test at the doctor's office and was still in disbelief. Oh...and the spelling is "Aura."
What a cute little poppy seed! A book YOU particularly would like is "The Girlfriend's Guide To Pregnancy." It's so your style.
You are so cute! I am so excited about your wonderful news. It was the same way for me when I found out I was prego last year. You really can't keep in it and you just want to tell the world, and you should. Just tell the WORLD Traci.. It's an exciting time. Good for you and keep us posted.
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I'm so so so excited for you! Congrats girl!
Thank you so much for all the congrats. ;-) I love you all and your sweet words of encouragement. I'm gonna need it.
I am so sorry I did not get to see you too. I was only there for a few days and well never seem to have quite enough time ;-( I am sorry, but if it makes you feel better that's the first time I have seen Tran in years - I promise to call next time I am in town - most likely October - at which time you'll be 8 mo preggo so we'll have to see you!!!!!!! Congrats on the pregnancy - that is wonderful news. I am so excited for you guys.... Sorry again !!!!! Where in UT are you guys??? Love, Charis
Congratulations! That is so exciting for the both of you. Todd and I wish you the best.
I'm so excited for you guys! Having a baby is the best thing in the world! I can't wait to see this cute little one! We'll be back to Utah in April so we'll to go baby shopping, girls nights all that good stuff! Good luck and if you guys need anything let me know :)
Im guessing something is in the water. Nick and I just got 2 pink lines and a plus sign on another test...we are expecting too! Congrats to you! I agree with you its so weird to think about and Ive been told that your basically in disbelief till you feel the baby move and hear the heart beat! Im about 5 weeks along and I thought I had the stomach flu! Are you wanting a girl or boy? We are hoping for a little boy!
But congrats...something is in the water!
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