I got to be there with my sister through the whole child bearing. Let me first say I had no desire to see anything. I was at the head of the bed, there to support my sister and be a good first time coach. Who knew you could still get a first rate view of everything at the head of the bed. I was so amazed at how fast the whole thing went. The doctor came in at 8am to induce, 8:15 was the enormous needle inserted into my sisters backside, and after just two pushes at 8:42 the baby was here (I am beginning to plead with the Lord that my labor goes that fast). Its such a strange moment that continuously replays over and over in my head.
The best was that when I first held the baby, I teased my brother in law that he looked Jewish, with his very prominent nose. (Sidenote: originally the baby's name was going to be Matthew Bruce, and he had gone by that name all day after being born.) Wednesday night after I had left the hospital my sister and brother in law began to talk about how he didn't look like a Matthew. I had thought the same thing, but didn't say anything cuz he wasn't my baby. Come to find out my siblings and my cousin all had felt the same way about the name. My brother in law was then prompted with the name of Levi Garrett, who is a Hebrew ancestor on my mothers side. They both felt so strongly about that name. I thought it was perfect and very fitting.
I have to say it was an amazing experience, and I feel very calm now about what I will have to go through now that I have seen the procedure. I'm so super excited especially because my little man will have a cousin who is the same age to play with.