I woke up this morning trying to figure out why I had nothing planned on my day off. I always have something planned, be it errands, coloring someone's hair, cleaning my dirty house, something. I still could have done that, but a feeling inside me said I wouldn't be doing any of this today. I kept fighting it saying to myself, yes, I have so much to do, finally I gave into the idea that I wouldn't be doing anything today. My brother Darren had stayed the night, I went and woke him up to let him know we got dumped on again with snow. I suggested he and Josh get a move on with shoveling and I will make a big breakfast for him. I got Josh out of bed with the same bribe. I looked out the window and noticed our neighbor out side shoveling. Our neighbor is in her forties and her husband works mostly in California. She has one son who is her life. I began to holler at Josh to go over and help her shovel. I continued to keep checking on her and pushing Josh to go over and help her. This may sound a little harsh, but normally I wouldn't keep watching out my window like that and I wouldn't holler at Josh to hurry and help her. About the third time I checked on her out the window, she had collapsed into the snow. I was screaming at Josh to go over there, while at the same time I hurried and threw on shoes and a sweatshirt. We all ran over there, I didn't know what to do. We got her on the stairs, she then informed us that she has been taking many pills through out the night in order to get the courage to put a bullet in her head. The gun was lying right next to her bed. I was scared out of my mind, and at the same time I could relate, I had felt that low before in my life. We took her inside and Josh and Darren asked if they could give her a blessing, she is LDS just not active. She was very accepting of it. She then asked if they would give her son a blessing as she is so worried about him and the lifestyle he is beginning to get into. She begged and pleaded with Josh and I to take her son to church. She continually cried to us, he just needs to find Christ. Christ will help him. My heart was broken for her. She wanted to leave this world and her only son behind because of the lifestyle he was beginning to pursue. She continually blamed herself for going wrong somewhere. Her son agreed to a blessing. I felt like things might be okay, her son left for work, and (yes I know big mistake to do) I left her alone, went home to call my uncle as he is a doctor. He wasn't home, so I relayed what had happened to my aunt. She suggested I call poison control. I called them and was told to take her to the hospital immediately. Sometimes you worry how much you really should get involved, but a voice inside was screaming to get her to the hospital. So I ran outside and told Josh to go over to her house and get her because we are taking her to the hospital. She agreed to go, it was hard for her but she knew it needed to be done. I just prayed in my heart continuously. We got her admitted and after a few hours she became alert to the situation. As I had refused to leave her side, I held her hand and we talked. I can't remember the exact words that came from my mouth but I know that the spirit was there guiding me. I do remember telling her about Christ's mercy, that he knows our hearts, he is the only one that can judge us and what we do. She has brought her son up with so much love and has been the best mother that she could to her son. It is up to him now to remember these teachings. I told her of stories of my past and what it came down to for my turning my life around. I remembered things taught to me by my parents, I remember their love. She continuously thanked Josh and I for bringing her to the hospital. We have asked her son to come to church with us and he has agreed. We told him we just want him to come with us and that is all, what he gets and takes with him is up to him. I posted the D&C scripture as my title because the line, "....and
bring, save it be
one asoul unto me, how great shall be your joy..." has been running through my mind all night. My heart is so full tonight as I sit here and think how had I left this sweet woman alone this morning, she might not be here with us tonight. I think about the possibilities of her good son and the good path he still can choose, thanks to a loving Father in Heaven. As we spent our whole day in the hospital, I realize how blessed I have been that I was able to be of service and be a friend to someone who was in desperate need. I know this story might be long, but it is in remembrance for me, to know that I have a loving Father in Heaven who is there and puts us in peoples lives for a reason. For Christ and his prime example. He loves us unconditionally. This story is here to remind me that I will never allow Satan to get me that low again. No matter how hard this life gets, we must stay strong, we must fight the good fight.